Lona is a performance artist, storyteller, puppeteer and educator at schools, libraries, conferences, churches, festivals, corporate and special events. Degrees in education and a small town upbringing in the Catskill Mountains open a gateway to a long list of presentations. No matter the genre, whether folktales, fairytales, puppets, or personal stories, she loves bringing excitement and insight to stage and classroom. https://www.lonabartlett.com/#welcome
“Her voice and face come alive when she begins to tell a story. Using imagination and creativity, she weaves words into stories that teach and entertain.”
— Kim Becknell Williams | The Charlotte Observer
“Lona Bartlett is the best story teller for vivid descriptions and creativity that will keep any audience interested and attentive. She has the talent to make literature of any type dynamic.”
— Dr. Perry Spann, Founder and President | The American Literary Society for Higher Education
“Her voice is a jumping off place as she catches you unawares when she switches to the voice of one of her characters—she will make you love those characters and care about what happens. I like surprises. ”
— Andy Offutt Irwin, Storyteller